
The vast eternal universe always offers her infinite resources to all the beings in some of the most benevolent ways all made of LOVE.

With the beginning of 2014, the Cosmos have opened up newer gates for humanity to enlighten the corners where light needs further deeper infusion. And as the Galactic Time has constantly sped up to raise human consciousness, the Photonic Light is creating even more inquisitiveness in all those who are either confused or overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of Cosmic Energies. As many of the light workers must be aware of the changes that have been taking place since the advent of 2012, there are still many issues that are in need to get addressed. Ascension is a never ending process. This is when it becomes essential for the Light-workers and potentials to not only understand the philosophical characteristic of Galactic Events, but as well as the metaphysics, and the complete ancient wisdom and knowledge behind it all. That, if we may say, is what we call ‘Poorna Gyaan’ , which means Absolute Knowing . And this Poorna Gyaan transforms a person towards ‘Chaitanya’ or Pure Consciousness. The person becomes a Universal Soul, a ‘Chaitanyaman’ ! One of our prime focus, through Mayine Tree blog, is to make everyone self reliant and self sufficient in dealing with the newer energies.

For more than a decade, Mayine Tree has served as a beautiful, nurturing place where people, individuals or groups or organisations have received healing in their economic & physical pain. Cosmos have brought us closer to heal many individuals from all walks of life. And we feel profound bliss in serving fellow ascension workers through our healing methods. The ones Mayine Tree has healed; they have empowered themselves, found emotional freedom by drawing the power from their inner spiritual life and through the commitment of Integrated Performance. There is Love in healing, to heal someone emotionally, mentally, physically.

The contentment of sharing the knowledge makes us so joyously gratified, so even more when we Righteously pass it on – the ancient knowledge and cosmic wisdom.
We are broadening our horizon to hold maximum Light, and with this blog feel honoured to serve Divine Light and to reach out to the maximum of light seekers and light-workers !

We do need your wishes and blessings — ALL of you people, to raise as many people into the Golden Light. With your support, and us, let us greet the Golden Age of Krishna Consciousness…TOGETHER !


We would like to thank Vikram Singh for the beautiful cover picture. Thank you Vikram !
The image is Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

For more pictures, please visit him at http://www.vsingh.com/

4 thoughts on “About

  1. It feels like a family reunion~ Krishna Consciousness~ Quite unknowingly I posted the beautiful music from the Taj Mahal on Krishna’s birthday. There is so much on this that I was going to blog yesterday on my deep connection to all things of India. I have always felt I am from the same place as Krishna and they were are indeed blue. It’ s so profoundly part of me, even though I have not immersed myself into Hinduism exclusively.

    My Word Press is very excited you are Following it keeps showing me the icon.
    I am too! 😀


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Sindy,
      It does feel like spiritual bloggers are bringing back together what had been missing from the world for quite sometime, Krishna Consciousness. Ans you are certainly doing a wonderful job. Really appreciate your blogs.
      Please feel free to ask anything about hinduism (or Sanaatan Dharma) when and if in doubt, we would be happy to clarify. We are hopeful that our posts would keep you interested. Welcome aboard ! 🙂
      As excited as you are!

      Mayine Tree Consciousness

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