Life in space? Sea plankton discovered attached to ISS outer hull


Russian scientists say they made a “unique” discovery while analyzing samples from the exterior of the International Space Station – traces of tiny sea creatures on the station’s windows and walls. It remains unclear how marine plankton ended up in space.

Read the full article here :

Triangle UFO above Germany !


Huffington Post

When a UFO video seems too good to be true — is it?

We’ve pointed out many times how difficult it is to identify hoaxes among UFO photos and videos, and computer technology has just added to the confusion. With the right app or Photoshop elements, even youngsters can create and post real-looking, out-of-this-world UFOs to YouTube faster than you can say, “ET, phone home.” But the footage doesn’t always hold up under expert scrutiny.

Consider this recent example: A triangular UFO was reportedly videotaped over Kassel, Germany, on June 26 by a man who was taping his son playing in a park, reports the International Business Times.

“The fact that the person blurred out the face of the kid and didn’t get the UFO in the dead center of the video is what causes me to believe this is real,” he said. “Also, the lighting and shading on the UFO matches that of the trees and the bars of [the] jungle gym.”

But is that analysis enough to give this UFO the seal of approval? Other experts say no.

“There are two giveaway segments” that show the UFO is computer-generated, said Marc Dantonio, chief photo and video analyst for the Mutual UFO Network. “As the object is first seen, you notice that the cameraman shifts the camera up and down a bit. The object should not be affected by this motion at all.”

Dantonio, who was featured on last month’s Syfy Channel documentary, “Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed,” told The Huffington Post in an email that the triangular object in this Germany video should appear to move smoothly through the sky. “Its path, however, indicates anything but. As the camera moves, the object shifts in the sky in direct correlation to the movements of the camera.

“This shows me that this is a CG composition where the UFO flying in the sky was poorly tracked with ground objects. This happens several times,” Dantonio wrote.

The cracks in the facade don’t end there.

“It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, but it’s not a duck,” says former FBI special agent Ben Hansen.

“The video incorporates the image of a classic triangle UFO, which witnesses often report as silently floating across the sky. The videographer got that part right. However, there are several major red flags that tell me this was a hoax,” Hansen told HuffPost in an email.

“Although witnesses’ reactions can vary greatly when seeing a shocking UFO event, this man appears extremely underwhelmed. I would expect a little more enthusiasm or effort to try and follow the craft when it emerges behind the trees. If he made efforts to follow it, I’d like to see that. We’re led to believe that he puts down the camera and casually strolls away.”

Hansen agrees with Dantonio that the video is most likely the product of CGI (computer-generated imagery).

“As much time as was spent on getting the movement of the UFO right, the editor was a little lazy on the details of what we call ‘rotoscoping,'” Hansen said, describing what is probably the final blow to the video’s authenticity. “Going frame by frame — to tell the software program which objects the UFO needed to pass behind — it appears they got a little sloppy.”

Hansen explains that he magnified and lightened the image, shown below, and it “shows the corner of the UFO accidentally overlapping in front of the playground structure when it was supposed to be passing behind.”

Original Source:

Mystery Lake in the Middle of Dessert!

A mysterious lake that appeared suddenly in the Tunisian desert has created an impromptu “beach” in the drought-ridden country.


No explanation has been given for the sudden appearance of ” Gafsa Beach”, which was discovered by shepherds three weeks ago.
There has been no official explanation for the lake’s origins and while some geologists believe seismic activity may have caused groundwater to rise to the surface by disrupting the water table, others disagree.

According to local authorities, the volume of the pool could be one million cubic metres over more than one hectare, with a depth of between 10 and 18 metres.

Wake Up To The Divine Feminine

— by Anamika.

And there comes another wave of highly magnified energies. I keep saying this to my higher heart since January arrived this year, more like a reminder sorts. Each month as the year progresses, has been intense. If March began with introducing you to your past life through more lucid dreaming and if April was busy uplinking and processing your downloads to your higher self, then May and June addressed your personal level grief and cleansing. If July introduced us all to Divine Feminine, along with the balancing energies that feel like a jolt in your rocking chair, then need I say the pattern will repeat for August as well ! The passage through the portal is not an easy one, but it is all worth the travel.

The energies throughout July and August are more or less similar in purpose. I am not detailing the past incoming that affected us, it’s gone and for keeps sake, yet it clearly defines the patterns of what lies ahead and what all have we achieved. It has been tiring, exhilarating but an amazing journey. Layers upon layers have been peeled away that once encrusted you, me and all. All the time spent in peeling away of unwanted covers, now do you feel the weightlessness, the lightness in you auric wings? The wingspan of your soul has grown inch by inch by shedding those dense covers that restricted your flight, metaphorically speaking.

google image

We need to change the way we often feel is the only option to deal with life. But in truth, it is better to adapt than to resist the energies. There is no excuse to escape with what comes into earth and misses us! There never was such option available! Through good and bad, earthlings have dealt with it together albeit in slight differences of course.

What touched you in July, would pour into you ever further in August. The purpose of incoming divine energies remain the same nonetheless, to enlighten and lighten earthlings. The thing that remains of the purpose is that the people that have divided into different paths based on soul choices. Those who willing want to ascend and those who choose to not ascend and/or descend with the darkness. Ascension and the path of Descent. Now I do want to draw your attention to the subject here. It might seem unimportant to some though, but I felt the urge to address ascension workers who are helping the planet liberate from darkness.

And so, there is constant bombardment from team dark into a stream in which the light follows.
Also, there is an increasing change seen in those who are working with the Light, yet some are unawares of their positive contribution. They have been undergoing similar changes like any other ascension worker. The only glitch remains, is that when they are coming across issues that start to show at the onset of charkas, such as physical symptoms, they feel lost and confused and is emotionally strenuous. Even so, their infusion with light is so profound that they often receive blaring reception from negative folks. It adds to more confusion of sudden behavioural tempests thrown at them. For most of us who are aware of our ascension work, these are the testing times, because people assisting the light will receive undivided attention and criticism all the time ! Probably, you might have your family and friends within your circle who’d find you weird and criticise you unreasonably. Suit yourself no matter, those becoming critical of you for ‘nothing’, are the ones who can no more tolerate your glowing aura. Stay true to your ground; don’t budge even when the dark asks you to by using its crafty emotional brain-drain.

You’d be surprised to know but even the guides who have mastered their higher charkas are being targeted by the negative carriers. No one remains aloof — when you chose to light the path of others and of yourself, often the ones scared of light are in desperation to put it off. Last minute attempts you know.

However, the situation on earth isn’t the same as it was a couple of months ago. Things have altered.
We all must adapt and become malleable. The dark is acting like a hard tough two dimensional piece of surface area in which only little water can rest. Can this tiny amount of water withstand the scorching heat of the sun or blazing winds? No, the water will evaporate that wont even reach for the clouds to be of any use. How can a flat surface of water carry water let alone store it? That surface has to be moulded and shaped into a container first, for it to be able to carry desired amount of liquid. If the flat surface refuses to bend, it breaks ! In a situation, and like malleable pieces, when all the light workers have been/ are being transformed, there is a good chance that the water will have a natural place to maintain its state of Be-ing. The cosmic energies are like water, the light is like water, it takes the shape of its vessel, and your evolving body is that vessel that has to store the flexible Light. It’s as simple.

After a dominant period of a span of thousands of years, when the institution of patriarchal system is either facing peril or weakness, their attempts to save their exploitative system is becoming desperate for revival. All these years, humanity suffered at the hands of an institution that shunned Divine Feminine to maintain their exploitative deeds. This is what happens when there is imbalance in the energies of yin and yang. Also known as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

By observing the positive patterns and the way energies are working in on now, there is this seeming emergence to address humanity’s issues with lower charkas.
With this beginning to happen, there is no running or hiding for the dark. Cosmos will see to it that either the earth transforms the dark into light or purge the dark out completely. Amongst those, we might see some leaving earth if they totally resist the change, and for the ones still looming around, the emergence of their tough living is here to start now. Forcible transformation- is painful and lengthy. Which is when you see them caught in the web of undesired traits like confusion, desperation, sadness, irritability, anger, etc. They do not known what’s happening to them.

Almost all of us, and like I said, including the dark, may be purging inorganic vibrations through the reactivation of lower charkas. These inorganic vibrations had locked away the activation of higher charkas to harbour vice in the society. If loosely portrayed, the lower energy is where the belief of patriarchal (exploitative) system is embedded and where power, sex, dominance, materialism, thrive that which withholds the feminine from evolving. Feminine, is the womb of creativity, creation belongs here. Love and gratitude dwell in Her. Please don’t confuse feminine and masculine with gender grouping, there is no male or female in the energies. The two energies describe their characteristic nature. Divine Feminine dwells in the seat of higher charkas.

Our Sanaatan or ancient wisdom says that for any thing to function properly there must be a balance observed in the divine feminine and divine masculine. If something goes out of balance, the society at large and individuals live not in peace but disharmony. Up until now, masculine energies were harboured for evil agendas by the keepers of darkness to keep the Dark. But all that is changing. The July-August energies are changing the scene. Higher charka downloads will again see heightened recipients.

The possibilities of Light absorption continue to open more doors. Do not worry about those traversing the descent, those who ridicule or criticise you, for they do not know the steep road onto which they have chartered. And Oh, if you do feel anger and irritability etc, just let it out in the air, it is a temporary phase and will settle down once the lower charkas receive the needed balance. Relax and meditate. 🙂

If after ages of being trapped in a dimly lit room, were you to see doors open from all ends leaving no place for walls to close you down. What would you do? Scores of Light enter through the doorways, would you not go out to enjoy the sunshine? If you are one of the ascension workers, you certainly would hurry up making your way out of the trapped lower realm that you once called your home. Your real world is outside, a place where you balance your energies and maintain harmonious accord with the earth in which you dwell. If you want be thankful for what you are today or what you will become tomorrow, then it is the Earth you must thank first for she bore you the chance to ready you and make dimensional leaps along with her by letting you hold her gentle hands, of careful whispers filled with Unconditional Love and Rays of Divine Light.

Divine Love

Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Hubble Finds Three Surprisingly Dry Exoplanets

Space Daily

Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have gone looking for water vapor in the atmospheres of three planets orbiting stars similar to the sun — and have come up nearly dry.

The three planets, known as HD 189733b, HD 209458b, and WASP-12b, are between 60 and 900 light-years away from Earth and were thought to be ideal candidates for detecting water vapor in their atmospheres because of their high temperatures where water turns into a measurable vapor.

These so-called “hot Jupiters” are so close to their star they have temperatures between 1,500 and 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, however, the planets were found to have only one-tenth to one one-thousandth the amount of water predicted by standard planet-formation theories.

“Our water measurement in one of the planets, HD 209458b, is the highest-precision measurement of any chemical compound in a planet outside our solar system, and we can now say with much greater certainty than ever before that we’ve found water in an exoplanet,” said Nikku Madhusudhan of the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge, England.

“However, the low water abundance we have found so far is quite astonishing.”

Madhusudhan, who led the research, said that this finding presents a major challenge to exoplanet theory.

“It basically opens a whole can of worms in planet formation. We expected all these planets to have lots of water in them. We have to revisit planet formation and migration models of giant planets, especially “hot Jupiters,” and investigate how they’re formed.”

He emphasizes that these results may have major implications in the search for water in potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanets. Instruments on future space telescopes may need to be designed with a higher sensitivity if target planets are drier than predicted. “We should be prepared for much lower water abundances than predicted when looking at super-Earths (rocky planets that are several times the mass of Earth),” Madhusudhan said.

Using near-infrared spectra of the planets observed with Hubble, Madhusudhan and his collaborators estimated the amount of water vapor in each of the planetary atmospheres that explains the data.

The planets were selected because they orbit relatively bright stars that provide enough radiation for an infrared-light spectrum to be taken. Absorption features from the water vapor in the planet’s atmosphere are detected because they are superimposed on the small amount of starlight that glances through the planet’s atmosphere.

Detecting water is almost impossible for transiting planets from the ground because Earth’s atmosphere has a lot of water in it, which contaminates the observation.

“We really need the Hubble Space Telescope to make such observations,” said Nicolas Crouzet of the Dunlap Institute at the University of Toronto and co-author of the study.

The currently accepted theory on how giant planets in our solar system formed, known as core accretion, states a planet is formed around the young star in a protoplanetary disk made primarily of hydrogen, helium, and particles of ices and dust composed of other chemical elements.

The dust particles stick to each other, eventually forming larger and larger grains. The gravitational forces of the disk draw in these grains and larger particles until a solid core forms. This then leads to runaway accretion of both solids and gas to eventually form a giant planet.

This theory predicts that the proportions of the different elements in the planet are enhanced relative to those in its star, especially oxygen, which is supposed to be the most enhanced. Once the giant planet forms, its atmospheric oxygen is expected to be largely encompassed within water molecules. The very low levels of water vapor found by this research raise a number of questions about the chemical ingredients that lead to planet formation.

“There are so many things we still don’t know about exoplanets, so this opens up a new chapter in understanding how planets and solar systems form,” said Drake Deming of the University of Maryland, who led one of the precursor studies.

“The problem is that we are assuming the water to be as abundant as in our own solar system. What our study has shown is that water features could be a lot weaker than our expectations.”

Spiraling Back to the New ?

by Anamika

Something intriguing and positive is happening with the portal that is inducing activation on many of us. This activation is another step forward to those already on the path of ascension. I don’t really have particular adjectives to define those numbers that make us, US! So I will plainly use, those numbers as ‘us’ instead of using some or more as prefix. Light-workers cannot be measured in numbers, it is their light that gets measured 😉

It does not really matter, the number of counts we consider. What matters is how good we’ve been scoring, how faithful are we to ourselves and how far will this faithfulness towards the cause take us into this journey of endless ascension. Don’t worry people, everything is eternal, even ascension is. Growing never stops, the more light you hold, the more you ascend, and the more you ascend the more dimensions you add to yourself.
We all have been shedding and purging undesired traits. Deep within us, that ‘old’ frame (or carbon cells) that had long made home in all of us since the advent of Kali Yuga, never was it so desperate to leave our body that has begun to becoming ancient (crystal cells) again! Sorry, I don’t mean to confuse you. But Old and Ancient, the two familial words both hold different meanings in the heartland of Sanaatan.


I will try to make my points clear in the following paragraphs:

Forgive me if I am taking you back to the roots of history. I love history and it is never boring, because that is where we unearth some of the most shocking revelations. Shock therapy. Pleasingly Shocking, haha. Real history is always a shock therapy. It bites the flesh off your spine. It stuns you, it chills you, it angers you, BUT — it dispels myths about you, yes about You!

As we all know, darkness stooped to the lowest of all possibilities. And since the time Dark Age/ Kali Yuga had set in, and up till now, there have been numerous attempts set by team Dark in making humanity forget all about their ancient roots. Artificial implants and apparatuses were installed inside the human bodies. Sounds stupendous? To some, the concept of artificial implants and advanced old civilisations sounds unbelievable, absurd and preposterous. But I am not here trying to convince the unfathomable 3D logic. Because 3D logic negates the idea of humans as ‘Galactic Beings’. It discourages the belief in super human powers. Like a child throwing tantrums, 3D logic wants to make itself believe that light exists only on AC/DC field, sound exists in tape-recorders, only solar batteries can get charged in the sun and fire is born only on flammable objects. If you people read and hear weird 3D logics that still surround us, you may find it funny, especially nowadays. Too tough to fathom its bone tickling ideas! What drama 3D has been presenting to reinstate its ever losing and fast eroding spaces. Ouch 3D, you are being outnumbered! My happy giggles yet again!

That which darkness brought along with it, is Old. Old is not Ancient, and Ancient never grows Old. Ancient is always New.

In these days, with the growing popularity of soul ascension and DNA cleansing, many ascension teachers and healers talk in terms of OLD and NEW. Baring the Sanaatan, none of the civilisations talk about ancients. And even when someone does, it often is a reference source to the ones that are measured in chronological order spanning few thousand of years. In true sense, ancient dates back to pre-dark ages. No, Ancient does not mean the ones the modern history books describe of Annunakis or the likes. Ancients date back to civilisations far older and whose presence is as alive even till today as it was ages ago. Ages/Yuga repeat in succession to the other and so forth. Sat/Kirta Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, Kali Yuga. And the cycles repeat, in Spiral. Except for Kali Yuga, all the other yugas, ages have always had ascended human beings.

Our ancient wise seers had described, that Humans start to fall into darkness when DNA degeneration births. That is what happened when Earth fell into the hands of Dark forces/Asurs (Draconians, Chimera/ Danav, Daitya) . They hijacked the planet through DNA degeneration either by force and/or illusion, manipulation. Due to DNA degeneration the ancient memories were erased. Higher Charkas closed, divinity lost in oblivion and amnesia made in us, its permanent home. DNA fell! Ancient erased ! Wisdom lost ! …Dark age/Kali Yuga prevailed ! See the connect?

In reality, multidimensional / fully ascended being is a wise soul, divine, loving higher heart and a universal mind. There arises a sense of Oneness in that state of being.

In a broader description, Ancient also means Our Galactic Memories. Throughout ages, you and I have lived and existed in many stars, planets, and galaxies, a time immeasurable in linear timescale!

Specifically now, in this July-August Portal/Gateway, many ascended souls are consciously being poured in with memories of distant past, and/or parallel lives. This is a reminder to us, that we are ancient souls that chose earth as our home. The temporary amnesia that most souls were/are born with, is being erased. Darkness is re-living its horror show once again – revival of ancient memories 😀 . We deserve to celebrate! And that may explain why there is heightened acceptance about growing changes in the society. Many now believe that they are the ‘living memories’ of their great ancestors that were technologically, scientifically and spiritually superior by multitude. Amid the growing acceptance, the still looming, frail and fragile 3D logic continues to fight the ‘ancient memory’ trying to explain evolution of a human from a monkey. Choice is yours, who do you really think are you? Ancient human or advanced ape ?!

In the age where essence brings in more acceptance, words play the role of confusion. The essence here is to get rid of Old. The essence of New and Ancient are as synonymous as is water and H2O . I am becoming new, the earth is becoming new, our sun, moon, everything is becoming new. We are returning back to our roots. And therefore, My Newer self is returning back to my Ancient self.

Pain, guilt, anger, deception, frustrations, hatred, negative karma and everything that rob you off your Joys, belong to the old. These soul sucking demons pained us through eons! You want to teach this old a lesson? Get rid of it ! Get rid of Old, by embracing Ancient.

So let’s get back to the memory lane of brushing aside the sands of time, the layers of stones and sands that have hidden away the jewels of our glorious Ancient Soul.
I am as eager to pay my obituary to 3D, and to let it rest in peace, totally ! Our ancient Galactic Sun and its bodies have been working full throttle to kill the demonic lower dimensions and bring heaven on Earth. You light-workers in ascension (whether or not consciously) are doing a great job in helping these Galactic beings and bodies working together in harmony to liberate the Earth and earthlings from the clutches of the Old and into the Ancient. We are returning to Ancient, it is that ‘New’ that most had been waiting for !

Divine Love
Namaste !

Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.


by Ayan

Throughout our history we have trained and hoped for this moment in Time; time of Shankara. The time of ultimate Awakening. And as the floodgates open, nothing can stop the torrent of the Divine-Rain coming down and around and flowing within.

We deserve to take some rest now and then. Rest, to accommodate the influx of energies and to accommodate the immense changes in our bodies. Since the changes are speeding up now and into a flurry of activity for our greater being. For the well-being of all – for the greater good of all – for all depends on the development and action of each beautiful Being of Light.


We are slowly learning to live and work in concert now – flowing within and flowing without. And flowing around and with each other. It has become a dance of Divinity, so to speak, choreographed by none other than Creator. But we all had a part in its design.

In our quest for knowledge and experience and creation we have built a very complex network and structure. Such complexity, that can only be described as a bundle of variant beings. These beings are now beginning to work their way out of the configuration of separateness to the configuration of Wholeness. It is requiring adjustment of many aspects of us, individually and of the whole, and so for the time being the outcome seems blurry and unclear. At times the whole picture is unclear. But rest assured that the ultimate configuration and outcome will be magnificent and stellar and perfect.

It is the deep knowing of our purpose that is coming to the surface now and we cannot go wrong in executing it. It comes with different timing and configuration for different individuals.  But just as the different steps in a dance meld and combine together to create a beautiful and  wholesome dance and performance, we are stepping in time to the call of our essence. As long as we listen and follow closely, we cannot fail in creating the unprecedented ultimate creation and experience of Wholeness, fitting in and nestling in the arms of Creator with each part fitting perfectly.

Let us continue with always coming back to the quiet, still part of us, to gather ourselves for our next move. And in many cases, no move at all, just an acceptance of BE-ingness. Let us experience the flowing of the trueness of our beginning. A beginning that has no end and no beginning. Let us be open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. What is of value to us ?  Is it diamonds?  Is it gold?  Is it wood?  Is it water?  It depends on what part of the universe we put ourselves in.  We can beckon to us all things that hold the richness that we seek.  The letting go of perimeters, of expectations, of boundaries, of containers, of thought forms frees us up to be it all.

The soul is destined to expand, to re-create, and re-define our lineage of light.


Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.