The Mystery of Saturn’s Expanding Ring

…Saturn’s most distant ring is as bright and three times as wide as it was during the Voyager flybys in 1980 and 1981…

Saturn’s rings are among the most beautiful sights in the Solar System. They have been a source of scientific fascination and puzzlement since they were discovered by Galileo in 1610 although it was Christiaan Huygens who first suggested they were rings in 1655.

The great mystery of Saturn’s rings is how they formed and why they are so stable. A simple model of orbital dynamics suggests that any small particles in this kind of orbit should gradually spiral into the planet.

So the rings should long ago have smeared out and disappeared. Instead, they are highly complex and stable and contain other structures such as spokes and braids. Nobody knows how.

Now Robert French at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, and a few pals discuss another mystery. They say Saturn’s F ring, the most distant discrete ring, is twice as bright today as it was during the Voyager flybys in 1980 and 1981. It is also three times as wide.
saturn ring
How come? Today, they show how they discovered this peculiarity and discuss various mechanisms that might explain it. Their thinking leads to a dramatic prediction about the behaviour the F ring in the next few years.
French and co begin with a set of five movies of the F ring that NASA’s Cassini spacecraft took between 2004 and 2009. That’s a total of 4800 images.
For each movie they take an average reading of the ring’s width and brightness and then compare this with measurements taken during the Voyager missions in the early 80s.

The results are something of a puzzle. Between 2004 and 2009, the F ring has been twice as bright as it was between 1980 and 1981. It is also increased in size from a width of about 200 kilometres to about 580 kilometres today.

What possible mechanisms might have caused these kinds of changes? The most obvious culprit is the satellite Prometheus which orbits inside the F ring, slightly closer to Saturn. Prometheus is known as a shepherd moon and astronomers have observed it influencing the formation of clumps and braids within the F ring.

What’s more, Prometheus is closer to the F ring today than it was in the early 1980s. French and co say that in 1980/81, the moon’s point of closest approach was some 500 kilometres from the F ring and in 2009 it was around 200 kilometres.

It is easy to think that this change may be responsible for the increase in brightness, perhaps by generating gravitational perturbations that cause particles to collide and split into smaller pieces. An increase in the number of particles in the ring could explain its change in brightness.

But French and co disagree. They point out that between 2004 and 2009, the distance of closest approach between the F ring and Prometheus also decreased by about the same amount. And yet, the F ring has not changed significantly in brightness during this time. Some other process must be at work.

One clue comes from an event in 2006 when part of the ring suddenly flared, increasing in brightness. French and co believe it was struck by a small cloud of dust that caused a chain reaction of collisions that split the rock, ice and dust in the ring into many smaller pieces. Hence the flare. Over time, the orbit of these smaller particles would degrade, causing the ring to dim again.

That raises another question, however. If smaller particles are spiralling in towards Saturn, the ring must be continually refreshed with new particles to maintain its current brightness.

French and co say the widening of the ring may explain this. They believe this widening is a periodic process linked to the orbit of Prometheus and perhaps other shepherd moons nearby, which change their point of closest approach over a period of about 17 years.

What’s curious about this is that as the ring becomes bigger, the orbit of the dust it contains must become unstable. So some of this dust out to spread into more distant orbits. These clumps of dust will eventually spiral back towards the planet and hit the F ring on the way back.

French and co say the brightening in 2006 was probably caused by just such an event. And they say these kinds of collisions must occur on a periodic basis associated with the widening of the ring.

In other words, as the ring becomes wider, it releases clumps of dust into more distant orbits that then collide with the ring as they spiral in. It is this process causes the ring to brighten.

That’s an interesting idea that reveals some of the complex orbital behaviours that astronomers are beginning to discover in the Saturnian system. And like all good scientific hypotheses, this one leads to a clear prediction.

If French and co are right, the F ring should currently be at its maximum brightness. In the next few years, as the number of collisions decrease, the ring should become dimmer. “By 2016, the ring and Prometheus will be in an orbital configuration similar to where they were at the Voyager encounters, and the ring’s properties will once again be similar to what we observed so long ago,” they conclude.

That’s a fascinating prediction and one that Cassini will be well placed to witness. Barring any unforeseen tragedy, the spacecraft is set to continue its mission to 2017 when French and co will have been proved either right or wrong.

So just sit back and witness the process of science at work!

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The Construct – by Neil Kramer


Published by James Spike

An UPHIGH Production…
Neil Kramer writer, philospher and teacher takes us on a journey in his own unique way through what he describes as ‘The Construct’.
A matrix of distraction and disinformation which diverts our gaze away from the ‘Organic Signal’ that encompasses us.

Neil Kramer The Unfoldment…

A Revolutionary Film Examines Extraterrestrial Connection to Man’s Origins


Now presenting an amazing sequel to the groundbreaking film The Mysterious Origins of Man. It’s Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing program that tackles the age-old question “Where did we come from?” Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended! – Michael Rogers, “Library Journal.” The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx and The Mysterious Origins of Man present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Is there an Extraterrestrial connection to Man’s origins? This film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored. Includes the facts about this amazing ET mystery and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, and the best known, most credible Suppressed Science authorities in the world today.

Pomegranate: The Miracle Fruit !

–By Ayan.

Fruiting plants and humans both have reproductive organs called ovaries, and in the case of pomegranate fruit, the anatomical resemblance is absolutely striking. Because our primary relationship to fruit is as a consumer, we are usually too immersed in the joyful act of eating fruit to take notice that it is by definition “the ripened ovary – together with the seeds – from one or more flowers of a plant.”

The differences between species are obvious, of course: fruit-ovaries disperse their seeds by being eaten, and then excreted by animals, whereas human-ovaries, remaining intact within the body, disperse their “seeds” (eggs) by way of the fallopian tubes.

pomogranate intersection

Observing a cross-section of the pomegranate and the human ovary, side-by-side, you can see the remarkable resemblance. The ancient ‘law of signatures’ that Nature weaves into herself, and which is recognized by many systems of traditional medicine around the world, makes it so that sometimes a plant (food) will be of unique benefit to the very organ in the body that it resembles. The walnut, for instance, has a skull-like protective casing, enclosing the bi-hemispheric meat of its seed, which strikingly resembles the very human brain that it is known to nourish with omega-3 fatty acids and other neuroprotective compounds.

In the case of pomegranate fruit, which again, is the ripened ovary – together with the seeds (babies) – from the pomegranate flower, it so perfectly resembles the human ovary in structure (and as we will see, function) that the resemblance is unlikely to be accidental. Could this be Nature revealing her gift of healing in a way that is so obvious that you would have to be blind not to see it?

Is Pomegranate a Natural Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy ?

What is perhaps more amazing than the anatomical resemblance of pomegranate to the human ovary, is it functional resemblance. Experiments have been performed revealing that pomegranate contains estrogens structurally and functionally similar to those found in mammals, namely, Estradiol, Estrone and Estriol, and are capable of replacing the function of the ovary when removed from female animals (the ovariectomy-induced postmenopausal experimental model).

In a study published in 2004 in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, female rats, whose ovaries were removed, developed accelerated bone loss, loss of uterine weight and depressive symptoms which were reversed when administered pomegranate extract:

“Administration of pomegranate extract (juice and seed extract) for 2 weeks to ovariectomized mice prevented the loss of uterus weight and shortened the immobility time compared with 5% glucose-dosed mice (control). In addition, ovariectomy-induced decrease of BMD was normalized by administration of the pomegranate extract.”


Despite the powerful estrogenic properties of pomegranate, this amazing fruit does not exhibit well-known carcinogenic potential associated with synthetic, horse-derived (e.g. Premarin), and even so-called bio-identical or “plant-derived” estrogens. To the contrary, pomegranate has been shown to act selectively to modulate estrogen receptors (SERM) that are beneficial to the organism, while down-regulating activity at the receptors known to be associated with estrogen-sensitive cancers. This type of dynamic intelligence is unique to natural substances, and is not yet reproducible through pharmaceutical preparations.

In an August 2011 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, pomegranate extract was compared to the drugs Tamoxifen (T) and Estradiol (E) and was shown to prevent activity associated with estrogen-dependent cancer promotion, without increasing the weight of the uterus, a well known indicator of the potential carcinogenicity of T and E:

“In conclusion, our findings suggest that PME [Pomegranate extract] displays a SERM profile and may have the potential for prevention of estrogen-dependent breast cancers with beneficial effects in other hormone-dependent tissues.”

In other words, pomegranate is not only non-carcinogenic but is a powerful anti-cancer agent. There have now been 12 studies on its experimentally-confirmed potential to suppress Breast, Prostate, Colorectal, Gastric and Uterine Cancers.

Hormone replacement, by principle, feeds the deficiency due to the well-known negative feedback loop within the endocrine system. It should be regarded as a powerful therapy, not without adverse, unintended consequences.


The change of life that attends the normal aging process, despite conventional classifications, is not a disease. When the burden of hormone production in women shifts away from the ovary (either via age or medical necessity, e.g. full hysterectomy) to the adrenal cortex, the body can be supported to produce additional hormones via basic nutrients, plant hormones and secretagogues, as well as stress reduction techniques and therapies, e.g. aromatherapy. Also, it is possible to regenerate steroid hormones that have undergone transformation into inactive or harmful metabolites via electron donors such as vitamin C.

pomegranate collage

Let’s look at some of the health benefits of the fruit that heals:

  • Consumption of pomegranate decreases serum oxidative stress and reduces disease activity in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis.Pomegranate extract suppresses inflammation and attenuates joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Extracts of gotu kola and pomegranate improve clinical symptoms of chronic periodontitis.
  • Pomegranate juice prolongs PSA doubling time, inhibits cell proliferation and increases apoptosis in men with prostate cancer.
  • Pomegranate reduces the intima media thickness size of the artery, while also reducing blood pressure and LDL oxidation.Safety: pomegranate juice does not adversely affect insulin sensitivity and contributes to reduction in weight gain.
  • “Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) flower improves learning and memory performances impaired by diabetes mellitus .
  • “Oral feeding of pomegranate fruit extract inhibits early biomarkers of UVB radiation-induced carcinogenesis. Pomegranate polyphenols have a protective effect against UVA- and UVB-induced cell damage. Pomegranate polyphenol inhibits UVB-mediated oxidative stress and photoaging in keratinocytes (skin cells).
  • Pomegranate extract and beta-sitosterol may be a useful uterine stimulant. Pomegranate extract protects against alcohol and aspirin-induced gastric mucosal injury.
  • Pomegranate fruit extract rich in punicalagin reverses the proatherogenic effects of perturbed shear stress on endothelial function .
  • Pomegranate has blood sugar regulating properties.Pomegranate improves depressive symptoms and bone properties in a menopausal syndrome model due to its estrogen content (estradiol, estrone and estriol).
  • Pomegranate inhibits ovariectomy-stimulated bone loss , and may be of clinical significance to women experiencing menopausal syndrome.
  • Pomegranate juice has a chondroprotective effect in an animal mode of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
  • Pomegranate juice has a protective effect on kidney stone formation (nephrolithiasis) .
  • Pomegranate juice reduces blood pressure by inhibiting Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) activity in diabetics.
  • Pomegranate peel extract prevents liver fibrosis in biliary-obstructed patients.
  • Pomegranate peel extract protects against ionizing radiation-induced enteritis and leukocyte damage.
  • Pomegranate seed extract attenuates chemotherapy-induced acute nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity.
  • Pomegranate seed oil fed to patients enhances B-cell function as measured by immunoglobulins G and M.
  • Pomegranate seed oil has a protective effect against pesticide-induced nephrotoxicity .
  • Pomegranate seed oil rich in punicic acid has a positive effect on lipid metabolism (particularly triglycerol metabolism) in obese, hyperlipidemics .
  • Pomegranate seed oil suppresses chemically induced colon cancer .
  • Punica granatum (pomegranate) ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium induced ulcerative colitis.
  • Topical application of a methanolic extract of pomegranate speeds wound healing time .
  • A combination of pomegranate rind extract, copper and vitamin C have antimicrobial activity against multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • A variety of natural substances have preventive potential in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Bael (Aegle marmelos), Bombax ceiba (Salmalia malabarica), Pomegranate (Punica granatum), Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Holarrhena antidysenterica, Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and Triphala exhibit strong anti-Salmonella typhi activity, in vitro.
  • Pomegranate and berries have a relatively high cellular antioxidant activity.
  • Methanolic extract of pomegranate fruit demonstrates antibacterial activity against a broad range of pathogenic bacteria.Pomegranate peel extracts exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activity against oral pathogens.
  • Pomegranate and fulvic acid may have therapeutic value in a wide range of viruses. Pomegranate exhibits antiviral activity.
  • Pomegranate compounds exhibit antiproliferative and antiaromatase activity in breast cancer cells in vitro. Pomegranate fruit extract impairs invasion and motility in human breast cancer. Pomegranate has potent anti-aromatase activity warranting its use for human breast cancer.
  • Pomegranate compounds modulate the growth of human gut bacteria, increasing levels of Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium infantis.
  • Pomegranate contains four compounds ellagic acid, caffeic acid, luteolin and punicic acid, which inhibit prostate cancer cell invasion and have synergistic effects with one another. Pomegranate exhibits anti-cancer activity against breast cancer cells. Pomegranate exhibits significant antitumor activity against human prostate cancer.
  • Pomegranate fruit exhibits protective properties against the advesrse effects of UVB radiation.
  • Pomegranate fruit extract may hold promise in leukemia treatment.
  • Pomegranate fruit peels exhibit broad antimicrobial activity against food-borne pathogens.
  • Pomegranate inhibits human pancreatic cancer cells.Pomegranate juice, total pomegranate ellagitannins, and punicalagin suppress inflammatory cell signaling in colon cancer cells.Punicic acid, a conjugated linolenic fatty acid from pomegranate seed oil, protects from experimental colon inflammation by inhibiting TNF alpha-induced neutrophil hyperactiviation.
  • Pomegranate polyphenol inhibits influenza virus and has a synergistic effect with oseltamivir.
  • Pomegranate seed compounds have estrogen receptor enzyme modulating activity. Punicic acid, an omega-5 fatty acid found within pomegranate, is capable of inhibiting breast cancer proliferation. Unlike tamoxifen and estradiol pomegranate exerts selective estrogen receptor modulator activity without uterotrophic properties.
  • Pomegranates have anti-influenza activity.

History is abundant with stories of pomegranate, its miraculous medicinal and healing properties. This is a special fruit, the miracle fruit, a fruit that represents fertility, procreation and prosperity in many cultures — a fruit of creative representation created by the Goddess of creation.


Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

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Proton Shakti of Surya Confirmed !


Scientists have  believed for a long time that the power of the sun comes largely from the fusion of protons into helium, but now they have finally confirmed it.

Scientists have confirmed how the Sun makes 99 per cent of its energy.

They have detected subatomic particles called pp neutrinos, they report in the journal Nature.

The discovery, by an international team of scientists led by Assistant Professor Andrea Pocar of the University of Massachusetts, confirms existing theories that most of the Sun’s total energy output is produced by proton-proton fusion in its core.

“Our experiment has taken a neutrino photograph of the Sun,” says Pocar.

“We have basically confirmed that our understanding of the Sun is correct, by directly measuring the most abundant neutrino source in the Sun, those produced through pp fusion.”

Stars, like the Sun, shine by fusing together hydrogen atomic nuclei called protons into helium. The process also produces photons of energy and pp neutrinos.

Neutrinos are virtually mass-less particles which barely interact with other matter, making them hard to detect.

Hungry Sun

The Sun consumes over 600 million tonnes of hydrogen every second, reaching temperatures of over 15 million degrees at its core and generating over 384.6 yottawatts of energy every second (a yotta being ten to the power of 24).

Pressures and densities deep inside the Sun are so great, that it may take a photon 100,000 years to make its way from the Sun’s core to the surface.

In contrast the weakly interactive nature of neutrinos allows them to travel virtually unimpeded, taking a little over eight minutes to cover the 150 million kilometres from the Sun’s core to the Earth.

“As far as we know, neutrinos are the only way we have of looking into the Sun’s interior,” says Pocar.

“If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, with these neutrinos, we are looking not just at its face, but directly into its core, we have glimpsed the Sun’s soul.

“This is important because it lets us see the Sun as it was eight-and-a-half minutes ago, not a a hundred thousand years ago as it was when the photons left the Sun’s core.”

By comparing the photon and neutrino data, Pocar and colleagues can infer that the Sun is in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, and it has been so for at least 100,000 years.

Almost impossible to find

Neutrinos from other processes in the Sun have been detected previously, but those produced by proton-proton reactions are particularly hard to detect because their low energy places them in a range where natural radioactivity masks their interactions.

Pocar and colleagues used the Borexino neutrino detector at Italy’s Gran Sasso National Laboratories to successfully find these elusive particles.

Borexino is the only detector on Earth capable of observing the entire spectrum of solar neutrinos simultaneously.

Pocar and colleagues plan to use the Borexino neutrino detector to try and study the internal chemical composition and structure of the Sun.

“The precision of this measurement wasn’t enough to discriminate between two models of the Sun which differ in the amount of heavier elements like carbon and oxygen,” says Pocar.

“If we could determine the metallicity [elements heavier than hydrogen and helium] in the Sun, it would tell us a lot about stellar physics, and give us a lot of information about heavier stars further away which fuse these heavier elements.”




In ancient Sanatan (Hindu) tradition, Surya is known as the visible form of God known as ‘Pratyaksha Deva’ as everyone can see every day. Surya is also considered as form of Vishnu , and hence is also called SuryaNarayana ( proton – proton collision energy).

hiranmayena patrena / satyasyapihitam mukham
tat tvam pushann apavrinu / satya-dharmaya drishtaye

O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee. O Pushan, nourisher of all, please remove your glaring effulgence. (Isopanishad, Verse 15)

pushann ekarshe yama surya prajapatya
vyuha rasmin samuha
tejo yat te rupam kalyana-tamam
tat te pasyami yo ‘sav asau purushah so ‘ham asmi

“O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I.” (Isopanishad, Verse 16)


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Manifestation Truth v/s the Commercial Greed – Part 1

— By Anamika.

One of the most popular and often misguided interpretations in the school of spirituality happens to be ‘The Law of Attraction’ also known by another name as ‘Manifestation’. You know, good attracts good and bad attracts bad. Quite so, yes. But moving beyond the superficiality of this word which is often preached in the global era of some “New Age’ spirituality as the most sought after subject, manifestation ought to be greatly distinguished from ‘greedy manifestation’ and ‘spiritual manifestation’.

Manifestation, is a part of the divine dance of Lord Shiva in which we partake and where there is continuous flow of energy in and out of the material world. This is the dance of energy, the flow that defines the existence of our consciousness and where energy becomes transformational. The transformation of energy to matter. In short, it is now widely understood that forces of attraction or the ‘law of attraction’ cause the particles to come together to form nuclei with electrons orbiting around them giving the illusion of matter. These atoms are attracted together to form molecules. Molecules are brought together by organizing forces inherent in the particular morphogenetic field of that being or material, causing the creation of DNA, cells, tissue, organs, systems, organisms, societies and on a larger scale, planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes. All these are a part of quantum field of consciousness. Every aspect of birthing begins from a sub-atomic level.

Morphogenetic field is partly responsible for influencing the inherent cells to vibrate at a certain frequency. Our quantum mind/quantum consciousness has the ability to radiate through bioelectric quantum cells and bring about the superposition of possibilities. These radiating internal coherent levels function non-linearly and through electro-dynamic (electro-magnetic and electro-chemical) energies from our biological systems and morphogenetic fields. Internal resonance forms your internal and external ‘realities’. Through the inherent and coherent electro-dynamic field of the living system the biophotons are emitted where each single cell is involved in this quantum emission. Quantum emission is the magnet of attraction, in simple words. Hence it is popularly said that our conscious levels decide the byproduct of our thoughts. So the next time you hear someone say this to you, think about internal resonance and morphogenetic field and how they affect the mechanism of quantum fields to generate and maintain the possibilities of ‘law of attraction’.


A morphogenetic field is in its basic essence the non-physical blueprint that gives birth to forms. It is like equivalent to an electromagnetic field, but which carries information only, not energy. It is the structural design of planetary consciousness that includes collectives’ mental and emotional body. This field shows how human consciousness is shared. This field is created by the patterns of physical forms and remains available throughout time and space without any loss of intensity even after they have been created.

Upon understanding the functions morphogenetic field, one can fathom how Divine Will manifests. Manifestation is always a resultant of positive resonance and higher consciousness.

Only a desired state of consciousness channelises your inherent morphogenetic field to resonate with the Jeevani Shakti, or the Life Force. This Jeevani Shakti is the source of creation in all things from a tiny organism, a person, a planet, and within the larger cosmic structure. When you begin to willingly comprehend the Jeevani Shakti of the universe is when you greatly understand its impact and influence in you. When you identify and meet with your inner self, it becomes possible to accurately express the harmonious personal energy signature you carry to the external world. Everything exits in the relative balance of energies in all relationships. For positive manifestation there has to be a personal energetic resonance in you that increases your life force. The factors that constitute the makeup of our life force such as waveforms, frequency, wavelengths and amplitude have been acknowledged by even mainstream science. They do exist and this is what keeps us all going. Energies and matter are a form of wavelength and frequencies and other waveforms. Our resonance field is formed by these enormous electro-dynamic dance.

By now it is clear, the aspect of this electro-dynamic dance results in the make up of cosmic interplay and exchanges of energetic resonance and rhythms. Everything that moves through the universe, move through our bodies as well. Know that everything vibrates at its own frequency, and each body moves to its own resonating specific frequency. This is the reason why everything that moves through the universe also moves through the bodies of all of us.

There are many external forces that affect our internal resonance, in this part, we want to remain focused mainly on positive forces which are always important. Now the external forces such as the divine cosmic rhythms assist in influencing and affecting our internal resonance. Realize this that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency.

The consciousness that dwells in the higher dimensions is so evolved that it resonates with unity consciousness or quantum consciousness of the cosmos. Here, the desires permeate into and through the charged atoms where they form molecules and take shape as multidimensional entities and so on. Possibilities manifold. The manifestations may be purely something material to take form, or immaterial such as perceiving energies to reaching higher octaves of consciousness. However, very rarely out of the need of helping the community or the afflicted on divine orders does one make material manifestations. Usually, the person who has the capacity to observe successful manifestation often sticks to attaining spiritual manifestation for unity consciousness and for much greater collective cause.

Wavelength of higher resonance must come in accordance with cosmic frequency for something to evolve. Higher consciousness means, that the electro-dynamic field becomes quantum in leaps and bounds. Linearity ceases to exist, happily replaced by Spirals. Particles do not form molecules by just only thinking about sitting through a lower field of resonance. It wasn’t made so easy for humans, especially when humanity fell into the age of darkness. Your higher consciousness is the key to bring together energies from every positive corners to observe synchronicity in the quantum consciousness. Your energies become One with the imprints of the Cosmos. When there is equality in wavelength, there is subtlety and goodness in the energy. Remember, Cosmos is sentient; we as sentient souls are part of this dynamic sentient soul. So make no mistake because its sentience senses the misdemeanour of lower frequency. That is why no manifestations can occur without Divine Will. The two mismatching frequencies can never merge. The divine has locked away manifesting powers for those dwelling in the lower third and fourth dimensional realms, unless they unlock them through the attainment of higher consciousness. Divine is impartial, it only wants you to move above your ground zero field and into the ever dancing resonance. The energies are tremendous, once you feel them, you never want to return to the previous dwelling. It is miraculous.

Spirituality has seen a huge divide within it (a little mention about negative external forces that can affect someone internally) as spiritual communities and spiritual leadership due to the tactics of negative external forces for easy manipulation. A divide created in various schools meant to keep away the masses from reaching the critical juncture of ‘self realisation’ and mass unity manifestation. Ego, the lower resonating field is either a result of hijack from the negative dark forces, or your birth chart. Constellations have specific magnetic imprints upon the soul and the birthing cycle, as well as the planetary energies at the exact moment you incarnated here. If you want to fine tune your energy field, check your birthchart. It as is a map of your personality. It is a layout of your genetic imprint which includes all your karmic balances that make up your current personality and its motivation as an ego.

Try to assess what is vestigial and what is energetic. When you practice spirituality, always remember, spirituality means consciousness, and higher consciousness is pure freedom. Negative forces often belittle spiritual practices in the garb of religious dogma. A spiritual soul can become religious but a religious person when caught in the dogma may find it challenging to reach true spiritual purpose. Our great rishis taught the importance to enlighten the soul first, using cosmic spirits to guide. A spiritual journey thus began. But as time passed by, religious dogma were created to keep the soul limited with shallow know-how of cosmic connection with spirit. This is also why the Kali age manifested. Between Dharma and Dharmic, Dharmic took precedence. Shallow dharmic dogma need to be undone. Let the Light body guide you to decipher and guide your soul. Manifestation needs spirituality to dwell in first. When the mind is free from ego and dogma, it becomes pure. A pure mind de-calcifies the pineal gland, to awaken our Ajna chakra. Ajna chakra is the primary force that beings in intuitive mind. An intuitive mind has the ability to decipher and decode cosmic signals. It frees the mind of ego and veil. Anything can manifest from pure freedom, because there are no veils of illusion. In a joyous state, even the manifestations happen to bring greater collective Joy. When you realise this, you will also realise that your mind does not fall into the garb of finding ‘material happiness’. Close your eyes, and say ‘no please, but thank you’ to whoever hampers or tries to corrupt your energetic (or biological coherence) and morphogenetic field. Understand that you are a quantum soul living here to channelise kundalini shakti for the benefit of one and all. Believe me, your shakti reaches out to the corners of the whole galaxy and it is perhaps even assisting other planets or timelines to free from the clutches of negative forces.
Return to inner balance and increase your life force; it is crucial during this time. Manifest the inner Godliness through the power of higher consciousness.

One of the oldest and omnipresent wisdom of Sanaatan Dharma , Tantra is all but conversation between primordial Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. In this excerpt from one of the chapters, Lord Shiva tells Shakti, the mother goddess, “Paradevi, whose nature is visarga, or creation, manifests as the upward prana and the downward apana. By fixing the mind at the two points of generation (of prana and apana), the state of fullness results.” “One should concentrate with an unwavering mind on all existence, the body and even the universe simultaneously as nothing but consciousness, then the supreme conscious-ness arises.”

Copyright © MayineTreeConsciousness 2014. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

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